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Asphalt Maintenance Is Important Now More Than Ever

infrared asphalt applied to street
Asphalt maintenance has always been important, but it’s possibly more important now, than ever before. When changes in weather occur, it can cause dramatic damage to your asphalt. You may notice cracks, potholes, and other damage that perhaps wasn’t there previously. Why is maintenance so important? Check it out!

Distracted Walking

You’ve seen people texting while walking. They may have an eye on the ground in front of them so they can stay on the right track, but they’re not going to notice everything. Even a small portion of uneven asphalt can cause people to trip and fall, even without a phone in front of their face. If you keep it smooth with seasonal repairs, you won’t have to worry a distracted walker will trip and fall.

Convenient Parking

Everyone loves convenience, but it’s not very convenient for someone to get his or her car tire stuck in a pothole upon pulling into a parking space. In today’s world, more and more individuals expect convenience. They expect their parking spaces to be easily accessible. By fixing potholes and other large damages, it will be easier for drivers to get their cars parked and get to where they need to be.

Protection Against Lawsuits

Too many people are lawsuit-happy. If you are responsible for damage to someone’s car or an injury someone sustained in a trip and fall accident in your parking lot, you could be facing a lawsuit. Both situations mentioned above could be cause to get sued. If you keep up on regular asphalt maintenance, it’s less likely someone will sue you for getting injured or receiving car damage on your property.

Contacting the Professionals

The good news is you don’t have to figure out how to repair any asphalt damage on your own. With the professionals at Holes Infrastructure Solutions, your potholes, cracks, and other damage can be fixed in just a short amount of time. Contact us by calling 973-221-4369 or sending an email today!

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